Freshman Focus: The Power of a Half Hour

There is power in a half hour for freshmen at Jefferson High School. I’m thinking of three, 30-minute opportunities that happen nearly every day. 

The first half hour is our study/lunch. This 30-minute block happens every day before lunch. For those not in music ensembles, freshmen have access to all of their teachers to ask questions or make up a test or a quiz. Did I mention ALL their teachers are available?  

The second 30-minute block happens Monday through Thursday from 3:00 - 3:30. For freshmen who can make the transportation arrangements, this after-school study hall is a great time to talk to teachers, work quietly in E117, or get help from one of our tutors. 

The third 30-minute block happens at home. Across our corner of Sioux Falls, freshmen go home and are asked if they have any homework. Too often the answer is incomplete. This take-home half hour is available to all students. Most days there are notes to review, - Hey, that’s not an assignment! True, but the goal is learning. - papers to organize, - That’s boring. . . until you can’t find your assignment. - or read a book. That last one, read a book, is one of the most powerful academic expectations parents can have of their kids. Reading for a student is like working out for an athlete: It simply makes you stronger to do the task. 

If your freshman needs support or you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of your teachers or contact me. My name is Todd Novak, and I’m the Freshman Academy Coordinator. Our goal is to support freshmen in their successful transition to tenth grade. 


Featuring Freshmen: It’s Not a Hallway


Sometimes We are Only a Sign